Clan O’Brien
Green Lane Scottish / Irish Festival & Games
Sept 11-12, 2004
- Festival attendance was estimated to be 100,000 visitors per day by Park Officials.
- Clan O’Brien was the only Irish Clan at the Festival
- The Clan tent had numerous visitors [we estimated about 150 visitors over the 2 days]
- 31 visitors signed in and 10 visitors took membership information.
- One visitor gave a membership application to the tent host. That has been forwarded to the webmaster.
- Many of the visitors were interested in the web contacts and took information on not only the O’Brien web page but also the Delcassian and other contacts we had available.
- A number of non-O’Briens were interested in contacting their group and possibly hosting their family tent next year. Among them were O’Connor, Malone, Donahue
Clan tent
- A 10 x 10 tent with display tables and stand with a current map and Ancient map of Ireland a O’Brien tartan flag and a flag of Ireland.
- Two tri-folds on the table displayed information about the O’Brien clan and the DalgCais with current pictures of places of interest.

- The table displays had Irish ancestry research books and excerpts of information from the O’Brien and Dalcassian web sites, a visitor sign in book and O’Brien Clan membership information as well as some books of general interest.
- Tracing your Irsh Ancestors – John Granham –Gill & MacMillan
- Irish Families – Edward MacLaysaght – Irish Academic Press
- Clans and Families of Ireland – John Grenham –The Wellfleet Press
- The Book of Tara – Michael Slavin – Wolfhound Press
- Life in Celtic Times – A. G. Smith & William Kaufman – Dover Publications
- How The Irish Saved Civilization – Thomas Cahill – Doubleday
- The Atlantic Celts – Simon James – University of Wisconsin Press
- A Day in our Life – Sean O’Crohan – Oxford University Press
- County Clare, A History and Topography – Samuel Lewis – Clasp Press
- The Rock of Cashel – Kenneth MacGowan – Kamac Publications
- Morgan Llywellyn’s books
- Brian Boru, Emperor of the Irish
- Pride of Lions
The weather was perfect and the event was very successful. We look forward to the future and next year we hope some of the visitors who expressed interest in helping with the hosting of the tent will participate.

Visitor Ms. Donahue looking for her ancestral home with Bill [O’Brien] Moore, tent host, and Carolyn [MacKenzie] Moore.

Order Of the Ancient Hybernians Pipe band in front of the O’Brien tent.