by Mary Mullins


Ballinalacken Castle sits on a hilltop in the Burren region of County Clare, close to Fanore, The original fortress on this spot is thought to have been built as far back as the 10th. century, when it was owned by the O’Connor clan as rulers of West Corcomroe.

Lochlan MacCon O’Connor founded his castle fortress in the 14th. century and this has been added to and rebuilt over the centuries. Historical records – The O’Brien Rent Roll of 1390, shows that MacCon O’Connor extracted rent dues while the castle was under his stewardship. Most of the present building seems to date from the middle of the 16th. century.

In 1564 control of West Corcomroe was relinquished to Donal O’Brien. This is confirmed by the Four Masters in 1566 but it was not until 1582 that the O’Connors formally granted their lands by deed to Turlough O’Brien of Ennistymon. Turlough died in 1623 and the castle and its lands were passed to his son Daniel who held them until the outbreak of war in 1641.

Turlough ‘sat on both sides of the fence’ and despite being on the Irish side he looked after the interests of the English settlers. Two years after the Cromwellians triumphed he was captured, imprisoned and fined. Five of his castles were razed to the ground but an appeal from Colonel Stubber to save the castle because it was not on the list of the “Commissioners for overthrowing and demolishing castles in Connaught and Clare”.

Daniel died in 1662 and his grandson Donough was listed as rightful holder of the castle and its estates in a copy of the 1675 survey in Edendale, despite T. J. Westropp being named as proprietor. Many visitors to Ireland wonder why our castles are in such a state of disrepair compared with those of the UK and this list mentioned above saw the destruction of hundreds, if not thousands, of our castles.

During the Cromwellian period of occupation there was no way of refurbishing and they were let decay and fall into the ruins they are today. The present owner, Mr. Denis O’Callaghan, keeps the castle locked as protection against vandals but is obliging to visitors and will show them around.

Published by: From Sean Spellissy's Book,
Year written: 1999
Copyright owned by: Local Ireland

Local Ireland gratefully acknowledges the help of author Sean Spellissy of Spellissy's Bookshop, Parnell St. Ennis, County Clare, who kindly allowed me to use his book in putting together this page.

© The O'Brien Clan Since 1997