Bunratty (Bun Raite) Castle overlooks the River Shannon. The castle is in excellent condition and well worth the visit, but it's a prime tourist attraction and besieged by tour buses. With the Folk Park and Durty Nelly's pub nearby, the area is starting to resemble a medieval theme park, but the historical reality shouldn't be mistaken for a Disney world creation. Durty Nelly's pub, about 75 feet from the castle, will surely ruin any good photograph of the castle, but it does serve some excellent food in the dining area.
The Vikings built a fortified settlement at this spot, a former island surrounded by a moat. Then the Normans came: Thomas de Clare built the first stone structure on the site in the 1270's. The present castle is the fourth or fifth structure to occupy the location beside the River Ratty.

The castle was built in the early 1400's by the McNamara family, but fell shortly afterwards to the O'Briens, kings of Thomond, who controlled the castle until the 17th century. Admiral Penn, father of William Penn, resided here for a short time.

Today, the castle's Great Hall hold a very fine collection of 14th to 18th century furniture, paintings, and wall hangings. The Great Hall also hosts "medieval banquets" complete with maids playing the harp, court jesters cracking corny jokes, food a la the middle ages, and mead (a honey wine favored by the Irish in the middle ages). You'll sit at a banquet table and eat with your fingers!

An excellent picture of Bunratty Castle.