New York Daily Times, June 21, 1855

SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: June 20, 1855

New York .. Wednesday, June 20.

Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.
In the steamship Northern Light, for San Juan del Norte --
Allen, Miss A.
Andrews, Miss B.
Bailey, G. B.
Baker, Mrs. Caroline
Barnes, Mrs. Isabella
Battee, Miss S. J.
Beck, C. H.
Bedell, W.
Berg, Charles, and wife
Bertram, Charles
Blake, A. W.
Bolhin (Bolhan ?), Olbelie
Bowen, D.
Bradford, Mr. R.
Bragman, L. H.
Bratton (Batton ?), Mrs. Mary
Bravermann, J.
Brown, C. W.
Brown, George
Brown, J. H., wife and infant
Brown, Miss Mary
Burns, P.
Butler, P.
Campbell, E., and wife
Clark, J.
Clark, Mrs. L.
Clark, Robert
Cleland, J. S., and wife
Collins, E.
Collins, Lieut. N., U.S.N.
Cornelius, Miss M.
Culver, R. B., wife and 5 children
Curran, R.
Daly, William H.
Davies, E.
Davis, P. A.
Dollman (?), Dr. W.
Dongelmann, Mrs. J. H.
Doolittle, A. J., and wife
Doyle, P. C., Jr.
Driscoll, J.
Dunton, E.
Eichelberger, M.
Ellis, Mrs., and 2 adult daughters
England, Miss J.
Fay, C. S.
Ferguson, Mrs. H.
Flowers, W. L.
Foucault, V.
Futro (maybe: Sutro), Joseph
Glanville, J.
Gosling, Mr.
Groves, Mrs. Susan
Habert, C., and wife
Halisch, A.
Hirschmanze, Miss R.
Hochstein, W.
Hoy, J., and wife
Hubbard, W.
Hughes, E.
Johnson, M.
Jones, Mrs. A. G., 3 children and servant
Jones, Thomas
Ladd, Mrs. L. W., 6 children and servant
Landerdale (Lauderdale ?), J. F.
Latz, M.
Lawhead, B.
Lea, Samuel
Levi, H.
Levinson, L., and wife
Levinson, Miss H.
Levinson, Miss M.
Lewis, J.
Livingston, L.
Lord, Joseph
Loughran, Mrs. James
Love, Mrs. J. S., and child
Lucas, J., and wife
Lynch, C.
Mahally, H.
Manley, Mrs. B.
Marigan, Miss Catharine
Mau, Miss Sophie
McCartney, J.
McConnell, John
McConnell, Miss
McCourtney, Miss E. D.
McLure, J.
McNamara, Mrs. Thomas
Menson (Manson ?), M.
Miller, George
Miller, William, and brother of 12
Mitchell, Charles, and wife
Mitchell, James, and boy
Moffat, B.
Montgomery, R. C., and wife
Mullen, Miss S.
Murray, L.
Myers, L. L.
Nelson, A.
Nelson, D.
O'Brien, M. and wife
O'Brien, Mrs. J., and infant
Osborn, Robert S.
Otter, Miss
Parish, Thomas
Pivoda, Paul
Putnam, W. T.
Ratto, L.
Read, Mrs. L.
Rebman (Redman ?), J., and wife
Riley, B.
Riley, Miss Mary
Riley, Thomas
Rinley (Binley ?), Miss Catharine
Robbins, S. W., wife, 4 children and servant
Robinson, Miss L. M.
Roe (Rae ?), Mr.
Rogers, J.
Rosenheim, M., wife and servant
Russell, Thomas
Schioder, J. H.
Scotchler, J. J.
Scott, Mrs. William
Scully, Mrs.
Seymour, R.
Shaver, J.
Silva, J.
Simmerman, J. L.
Simon, Joseph, wife and infant
Sink, Dantel (Daniel ?), wife and son
Smallfield, Thomas W.
Smith, B., wife and 3 children
Smith, George
Smith, H.
Snyder, J. H., and wife
Sutro, Miss E.
Sutro, Mrs. H.
Sykes, J.
Tompkins, Mr., and wife
Trowbridge, Mrs. M. A.
Tuttle, Mr.
Wade, J.
Welsh, M.
West, Rev. C. B., wife and 5 children
Whitson, Mrs. J. E., and child
Williams, D.
Williams, F., wife and child
Wolfe, Miss
Zeiler (Zeller ?), M.
with the usual number in steerage.

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