New York Daily Times, May 23, 1853

SS Prometheus
Captain Churchill
Sailed from New York City: May 21, 1853

Port of New York .... Saturday, May 21.

Steamship Prometheus, Churchill, San Juan, C. Vanderbilt.

Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Prometheus, for San Juan --
Alverson, Mrs. C.
Alvord, J. M.
Annis, Wm., wife and child
Applegate, J. H.
Banks, George S.
Barringer, F.
Belcher, J. S.
Bennett, Miss Hannah
Bissick, Francis
Boles, E.
Bond, Thomas
Braga, Anthony
Burchard, C.
Burgess, W.
Caile, A. J.
Cathcart, George
Cathcart, R., Jr.
Cathcart, R., wife, and 5 children
Chaney, John
Clark, A. J.
Clark, C. H., wife and 6 children
Clark, L. F.
Clark, Miss Sarah
Cohen, J.
Cohen, S.
Conaty, P., and wife
Corning, F.
Crawford, M. E.
Creaser, George
Creighbaum, A. M.
Cromy, Mrs. K.
Crowley, Mrs.
Crowley, T.
Curren, J.
Curren, M.
Dain, W.
Davidson, S.
Degroot, Henry
Dent, Wm.
Donomann, F.
Dunn, John
Emery, Mrs. S., and child
Faint, John
Ferguson, Mrs. T.
Flynn, J.
Foltz, R. M.
Gage, D. W.
Gallagher, John
Gallagher, M.
Garland, C. J.
Garnsey, Albert
Gilmore, Mrs. S.
Gininson, G.
Glassford, Jos.
Glassford, R. B.
Gouldin, Thos.
Grant, Mrs. John
Greenleaf, E.
Hagan, Mrs. M.
Haley, J. J.
Harris, Mrs. C., and child
Harris, Mrs. M., 3 children and servant
Harrison, Joseph
Heiman (Helman ?), J.
Heindel, D.
Hellman, A. D., wife and infant
Hoffman, P.
Hogg, J. W., and wife
Hover, U.
Hovey, Wm. A.
Hudson, James
Hunt, Stephen
Jessell, E. A.
Keene, Alonzo
Larkin, M.
Lovereen, W. W.
Lowney, Miss C. F.
Lyon, W. P.
McCarrill, P.
McCullough, H. V. S.
McMannus, P. Andrew
Miller, W., and wife
Millington, T. C.
Mills, Charles
Mills, John
Mills, T.
Monahan, G., and wife
Mulvaney, E.
Mulvaney, J.
Murphy, J.
Murphy, Miss Helen
Murphy, Mrs. M., and servant
Murray, Miss M.
Myrick, J. M.
Nathan, Mrs. K., and infant
Nelle, T. O.
Noble, W., and wife
Norton, J.
O'Brien, J.
O'Leary, T.
O'Neil, P.
Overacker, A. D.
Paul, W. O.
Pemberton, R. H.
Perry, A. J.
Perry, J. M., and wife
Perry, John
Perry, S. J.
Phelps, E. C.
Potter, John
Pratt, Miss C. S.
Preble, Davis
Ramsay, C. H.
Randolph, R.
Reynolds, David
Reynolds, John
Robate, Mrs. R.
Robinson, A.
Roche, T., and 5 children
Roe, G. W.
Root, Samuel
Rose, C.
Rourke, Frank
Rouse, J.
Sayre, P.
Scothon, W.
Shambo, Peter
Smith, L. S.
Smith, Robert
Spears, N.
Terrell, John G.
Thomas, R.
Tobin, Thomas
Turner, Albert
Turner, H. K.
Wamach, Capt.
Weaver, D.
Whitney, M. S.
Wilson, Hiram W.
Wintermute, J.
Wintermute, S.
Wintermute, T.
and others in steerage.

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