New York Daily Times, September 24, 1852
SS Sierra Nevada
Captain Wilson
Sailed from New York City: September 23, 1852
NOTE: Passengers listed on the SS Sierra Nevada
appear as passengers on three California bound ships whose passenger lists are in Louis J.
Rasmussen's "San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, Volume IV," for
ships arriving between June 17, 1852 and January 6, 1853. Passengers (below) marked with
an asterisk appear on the passenger list for the SS Golden Gate which arrived on
October 20, 1852 (13 days passage from Panama).
Variation in spelling is noted in parens.
Those who appear on other ship's passenger lists are enumerated.
Port of New York .... Sept. 23.
Steamship Sierra Nevada, Wilson, Aspinwall, J. Howard & Son.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Sierra Nevada, for Aspinwall --
Abrams, J.
Adolsofer, Mr.
Assen, Henry
Atkins, Timothy H.
Atkinson, H.
Austin, Walter
Baldwin, J.
Bancroft, G. W.*
Barack, Henry
Bargoni, A. K.
Barney, H.
Baxter, H.
Benites, R.
Benittes, R.
Bennett, Martin
Benson, A.
Benson, J. P.
Biigham (Bigham ?), E. R.
Birdsall, K.
Bongnir, James M.
Borham, Wm. P., and lady
Bos_irk (Boskirk ?), Wm., and lady
Boyd, Henry, and lady
Branch, A. W., lady and child*
Bridges, Wm. E.
Bron_an (Bronnan, Bronean ?), O. G.
Brownell, Charles K.
Brownell, James E.
Buche, D.
Burn, John E.*
Burrall, Charles
Burrett, F.
Burrows, E. G.
Campbell, A. B.
Campbell, C.*
Campbell, J. A.*
Campbell, J. R.
Casa, John
Catherwood, Frederick*
Charles, A.
Childs, A.
Church, Simon
Church, Wm.
Clarke, John
Clarke, Sames (James ?)
Cogan, Charles
Cohen, Benjamin
Conway, M.
Coy, S. L.
Cronly, John N.
Cross, John*
Cushing Wm. F., and lady
Cushing, M.
Cushing, Mark
Daly, Charles
d'Asmi, Josi
Davis, Miss*
Davis, Mr., and lady
Dayton, H.
DeLancy, John
Delate, John
Delevan, Lewis*
Denning, Henry
Denning, John
Dillisser, H.
Donaher, Mr., and lady (a J. Donaher and lady arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield
Scott, 11-10-1852)
Donald, Miss Sarah J.
Donald, Mrs. Sarah
Donohue, Miss P.
Donohue, Mrs. P., and child
Donohue, Peter
Doolittle, Epm. (D. and G. Doolittle arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott,
Doolittle, Sarah (see above)
Doyle, B.
Doyle, James, lady and 3 children (J. E. Doyle arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield
Scott, 11-10-1852)
Dunn, C. A.
Dutcher, James, wife and servant
Edgitu (?), Andrew
Ellgutter, Morris
Elpus, A. D.
Engalls, Robert
Enslow, Mrs.
Fagan, P. B., lady and child (a B. Fagan arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield
Scott, 11-10-1852)
Fenn, Owen
Fitzgerald, Henry
Fitzgerald, James
Flagg, Wm.*
Forrester, J., and lady
Franche, Jos.
Frank, James
Furnald, George
Gardner, H. R.*
Gibbons, Mrs. Amma*
Gleason, F.
Grancun, J. B.
Greene, C. H.
Greene, W. J.
Griffin, Miss (a Miss Griffin arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott,
Griffith, J. W.
Gross, Martin
Hale, David E., wife, 2 children and servant
Halis, M.
Hall, John A.
Hall, Samuel T.
Halliday, Andrew* (W. Halliday)
Halph, J.
Hamilton, Charles K.
Hardy, H.
Harks, A. M.
Harrison, Miss E. (a Miss A. Harrison arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott,
Harrison, Mrs.
Haslan, Jos. L.
Haynes, George W. (G. W. Haynes arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott,
Hayward, John*
Hicks, John*
Holden, W. S.*
Hollaway, A.
Holloway, A.
Hottendorf, C.
Howard, James
Hoyt, Hon. Martin G.
Hudson, James L.
Hudson, Mrs. (a Mrs. Hudsen arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott, 11-10-1852)
Hudson, Mrs. (a Mrs. Hudson arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott, 11-10-1852)
Hyde, J. P.
Ipsun, Peter*
Jamieson, H.
Jamieson, Wm.
Jay, H. N.
Jessup, Martin T., lady and 2 children
Jessup, Wm. B.
Jones, G. E.
Keefe, L.
Kelligher, Joseph
Kenealy, John
Keyer, Mrs. Sarah, and child*
King, George (G. King and wife arrived in San Francisco on the SS Independence,
King, H.
Kingsby, S. G. P.
Kirk, C.*
Kyde, K. (may be Hyde)
Lane, Geo. T.
Lees, Miss
Lees, Miss Mary A.
Leith, Miss
Levy, H.
Levy, Lewis
Lewis, C. E.
Lewis, Mrs. Jane E.
Lines, Solomon
Lines, Wm. P.
Lord, M. T.
Loski, M.
Manning, C.*
Marhham (Markham ?), M.
Martin, F.*
McCabe, L.
McCarty, Dennis*
McCarty, F.
McCarty, J. (a J. McCarty arrived in San Francisco on the SS Lewis, 10-30-1852)
McCarty, Mrs. J. (a Mrs. J. McCarty arrived in San Francisco on the SS Lewis, 10-30-1852)
McConichie, H. E.
McDermot, P.
McGorran (McMorran ?), R.
McGorran, Mrs. Charles
McMorran (McGorran ?), A.
McMullen, P.
McMullen, Patrick
Merritt, J. D. (a J. D. Merritt and lady arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield
Scott, 11-10-1852)
Michael, H.
Miller, H.
Miller, J.
Miner, Ralph, lady, and servant
Moone, John P.
Morcem, Thomas
Morcin, J.
Morgan, Wm.
Mu_cke (Muscke ?), Julius, wife and child
Murray, C.
Murray, James
Nesbitt, Henry
Nutting, W.* (A. Nutting)
O'Brien, Francis
O'Neil, Wm., lady and child (a W. O'Niel arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield
Scott, 11-10-1852)
Ormsby, H. D.* (H. D. Ormsbee)
Parks, Wm. F.
Patterson, Miss Malthy H.
Pettis, H.
Platt, J. H. (a J. H. Platt arrived in San Francisco on the SS Tennessee, 11-6-1852)
Plummer, M.
Prescott, H. K.
Prescott, Wm., lady, 2 children, and servant
Provost, H.
Rider, A.
Riordan, Patrick (P. Ryordon arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott,
Robbins, J. D.
Roff, W.
Rose, John
Ross, Senora
Russell, Mrs. A.*
Sargent, Mrs. A. A.* (Mrs. Sargeant)
Shea, C.
Shea, P., and wife
Shelton, M.
Small, Abraham, C.
Smith, Ed.*
Smith, George A. (a George Smith arrived in San Francisco on the SS Tennessee, 11-6-1852)
Soromstone, J.
Spence, James
Spence, Mr.
Spofford, Henry, lady and servant
Spofford, Hiram
Stetson, Mrs., and 2 children (a Mrs. Stetson arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield
Scott, 11-10-1852)
Stible, Joseph, lady, and servant
Stillwell, Wm.
Stillwell, Wm. H.
Strouss, D.
Such, J. F.
Swanston, G.
Swaser, J. B., and lady* (J. B. Swasey, lady and 3 children)
Their, G. S. (G. S. Thair of New York died of the fever (11-8-1852) while on board the SS
Winfield Scott)
Thomas, Michael, wife, and sister
Tillinghast, Henry
Torrers, J. O., and lady
Torrers, S., lady and child
Tower, James E. (a J. O. Towers arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott,
Turnbull, M.
Turnbull, Miss
Turner, T. (a T. Turner arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott, 11-10-1852)
Tuthes, Wm. R.
Van Worret, Henry
Vodum, Henry
Warren, J. (a J. Warren arrived in San Francisco on the SS Pacific, 10-16-1852)
Waundle, F.
West, James (a W. West arrived in San Francisco on the SS Winfield Scott, 11-10-1852)
West, Wm.
Whipple, J., and lady
Whipple, Mrs. W., and 6 children (all arrived in San Francisco on SS Winfield Scott,
Whistler, Mrs. Mary J., and servant
Whistler, Mrs. Susan T.
White, Albert
White, Henry
White, Orrin
Wilbur, Dr. J. H.
Williamson, Jas.
Williamson, W. W.
Wilson, James (a James Wilson arrived in San Francisco on SS Tennessee, 11-6-1852)
Winslow, N.
Woodward, G. L.
Woodward, V. B.
Woolff, M. (a M. Wolf arrived in San Francisco on SS Winfield Scott, 11-10-1852)
Worcester, Wm. H.
Wyatt, G.*
Yates, J.*
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