New York Daily Times, November 14, 1854
SS Star of the West
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: November 13, 1854
Port of New York .... Monday, Nov. 13.
Steamship Star of the West, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Star of the West, for Punta Arenas --
Akey, Mrs. S. A., and infant
Allen, Mrs. C. A.
Anthony, Wm., 3 children and servant
Ash, Rev. B.
Bates, Alfred
Bates, W.
Beard, Jos. R., wife child and servant
Burke, Mrs. N.
Burns, Mrs. A. M., child and servant
Burns, Mrs. D.
Cangiato, Rev. F., and 5 nuns
Carleton, C. G., and servant
Cole, Mrs. Cole, Miss
Cook, Miss M.
Cook, Mrs. M.
Cook, N. H.
Cook, O. P.
Cor_ell (Cornell, Corwell ?), L., and wife
Davis, Mrs. E.
Denison, Abel
Deshon, J. J.
Dickison, J.
Dutton, G. E.
Favero, Rev. C.
Fennell, Thos. H.
Fishbourne, J. P.
Fox, Mrs. Wm., and child
Galagher, Rev. H., servant and 11 nuns
Gallagher, Mrs. Mary
Gibson, H.
Glenton, M.
Glenton, Miss
Goss, Mrs. H. A., and child
Green, C., wife, infant and servant
Haswell, J. C.
Haswell, L.
Higgins, R. M.
Hoar, W.
Holland, Geo.
Holt, J. J., wife and infant
Hutchinson, A.
Hutchinson, Miss E. F.
Hutchinson, R., and wife
Isabella, Rev. A.
Jackson, Mrs. E., and 3 children
Jarvis, Capt. N.
Jones, L. L.
Kegg, Mrs. S. (?)
Kelly, Jas.
Kinney, Miss V.
Lampe, Mr.
Loughlin, Mrs. Geo., and child
Marshall, H., and wife
Marshall, Mrs. Ann
McAvoy, Miss Bridget
McCabe, Jas.
McCue, A.
McKinney, C.
McKinney, J.
Medina, A.
Medina, B.
Medina, C.
Medina, D.
Metcalfe, Mrs. A. P.
Murphy, M.
Murphy, R.
Murray, J. H.
O'Brien, J.
O'Connor, Mrs. Michael
Palmer, Mrs. Dr.
Pearce, A.
Pease, N. L.
Puisi, Rev. E.
Quarles, Saml.
Resignaud, S.
Riley, P.
Schnable, Mrs. W. E., and infant
Sexton, H. B.
Sheets, L. F., and wife
Smith, Jos.
Stewart, C. E.
Stratton, J. T., and wife
Sturdivant, L. B.
Tevce (Teyce ?), Miss Nelly
Thomas, Mrs.
Tisdale, Miss L. J.
Tobey, W. H.
Tracy, Miss Jane
Treadwell, Mrs. H.
Van Reed, E. M.
Walker, S. L.
and others in the steerage.
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