Clan Cian has raised their ugly head again. After a long quiet period they are breaking their word and now attacking Clan O'Brien again. Read their claims and my rebuttal here! |
President Bush Proclaims March 2008 as Irish American Heritage Month!
Exciting news! Clan O'Brien has attended 11 Scottish, Irish/Celtic festivals in California for the last ten years. This year the Clan O'Brien tent will only be attending four events (Woodlands, Livermore, Monterey & Pleasanton). This year will be the first year at Pleasanton, the largest Scottish event on the West Coast. Happily, Clan O'Brien will be the only recognized Irish Clan at these events. |
It seems that Clan Cian has posted their false claims again. They are now claiming all Dalcassian Septs under them. Read about these false claims here! |
The O'Brien Clan has been invited to attend the 400th Anniversary of the Flight of the Earls, being held at Portnamurry Bay, Rathmullan from the 13th-16th of September, 2007. More information can be found here. |
O'Brien Family Vineyards has made a name change. They are now known as 'O'Brien Estate'. The name change was made to reflect that all of their wines are now bottled from their own vineyards and winery located in Napa Valley, California. Check them out at www.obrienestate.com |
Announcing the Clan O'Brien Foundation Mardi Gras Dinner Banquet to be held on 20 February 2007. More information and tickets are available on the Foundation website at www.obrienclan.org. |
Announcing the launch of the new Clan O'Brien website (www.obrienclan.com), The O'Brien Clan Foundation website (www.obrienclan.org)and the new Clan Shop website (www.clanobrien.com). Enjoy! |
For those who attended the Phoenix Park races (below), you know the results. For the rest, go here to see the results. Click on the Phoenix link on the top of the webpage. HINT: The O'Brien came in 1st place on Saturday.
UiBriain Abu! |
For anyone who is in Dublin 12/13th August 2006 come along and watch, plenty of refreshments and entertaiment.
The Chief will be competeing !!!!! |
FAMINE 1848 WALK - William Smith O'Brien, M.P.
There will be a public walk in Ballingarry parish in County Tipperary to commemorate all those who died during the Great Famine and the 1848 Rising which took place in the middle of the Famine. The Walk takes places on Saturday, 29 July at 3pm and all are welcome. The Walk covers a distance of one-and-a-half miles of gently ascending ground on the public road.
It commences from the national flag monument in the village of The Commons. The Walk will proceed to Famine Warhouse 1848, an OPW national heritage site, which was the scene of the 1848 Rising.
In the two-storey house, walkers and visitors will have an opportunity to see a wide-ranging exhibition on the Great Famine, mass emigration and the 1848 Rising set in its European context. Famine Warhouse 1848 is situated on the Cashel-Kilkenny scenic route through the Slieveardagh hills. The house is located on Warhouse Hill, a high point of 1,000 feet. Visitors will be able to enjoy views from the fields around the house as far as the Wicklow mountains.
During the Great Famine, one million people died. In the exhibition in the house one can read how the Ballingarry priest, Fr Philip Fitzgerald, wrote during the Famine that 'if there were another week of the same kind there would be heaps of unburied dead in the parish'.
The 1848 Rising led by William Smith O'Brien, M.P., Thomas Francis Meagher and John Blake Dillon was a response to the Famine. The events at the house led to a State trial in Clonmel for High Treason. Death sentences were commuted to penal exile in Australia from where several of the leaders escaped to the United States of America.
The occasion is organised by the Ballingarry 1848 Committee. (www.Ballingarry.net). |
Due to the arrival of a new member to our family on 8 June (Aiden Christopher), I have been unable to attend festivals in Central California during June. I will be attending the Dunsmuir Games (Oakland, CA) in July with the Clan O'Brien tent. |
The O'Brien is scheduled for a CBS News interview to be aired on March 16 at about 7:30 am on the Early Show. He has also been contacted for a live interview on Friday with CNN. More details when available. |
The 'Statement' between The O'Brien and The O'Carroll has been removed from the Dalcassian website. It has served its purpose in letting everyone know that the Dalcassian families are no longer associated with Clan Cian Society in any form. They will continue to grow as individual Clans and Families to help all of their members learn about their heritage and culture. |
We are off to the LA Irish Festival and Music Fair in Pomona, CA this weekend. Our Chief, The O'Brien is the Honored Guest this year. Stop by and say hello. |
We are off to Mesa, Arizona for the 42nd Annual Scottish Games and Highland Gathering. |
A statement regarding the relationship between Clan O'Brien and Clan Cian Society can be viewed here. Clan Cian Society no longer has any claim over Clan O'Brien, nor any other Dalcassian Families. |
Welcome our newest Chapter, #93 - Venezuela |