Calaveras Celtic Faire
Angels Camp, California
March 17-18, 2000 and 2001
Below are some of the activities at the Calaveras Celtic Faire.

Tina O'Brien introducing our new Clan Banner. She embroidered the banner with Gold and silver thread. The name is Gold material and will be embroidered later. It shines brightly in the sunlight. (2001)

Our basic Clan O'Brien tent. Here we see The O'Brien chatting with Seamus O'More, a member of Clan Cian (the only other Irish Clan to attend these events).(2000)

Another view of the Clan O'Brien Tent. (2001)

Now we start to get busy. The O'Brien chats with visitors.

Now we start to get busy. From left to right: The O'Brien (back turned), Greg O'Brien (black shirt-member California Chapter #1), myself (etc) and Justin O'Brien. (2000)

Left to right: Member of Clan MacVicker speaking to The O'Brien, Shannon O'Brien (California Chapter #1) and Justin O'Brien. (2000)

More visitors. We had a good turn out for our first event. (2000)