South Carolina Chapter #26

Welcome to the South Carolina Chapter of the O'Brien Clan.

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To get your copy of the Articles of Association, (Text or HTML). Download (save) or print out your copy.

To apply for Membership, click here and fill out the Membership Application form and press the Submit button.  I will forward the Membership form to the appropriate Chapter.

The Membership form will be emailed back to Matthew H. O'Brien.  A list of members will be sent to The O'Brien, on a quarterly basis, for inclusion into a master list of the O'Brien Clan.



Scott O'Brien Goose Creek
John J. O'Brien Charleston
Raphael Jones Columbia
Mark Kennedy Mt Pleasant
Michael Bryant Lauren
David Bryan III Lexington


South Carolina Counties Selection List
Queries or Information about Counties should be
directed to the name listed under the "Contact" column
County County Seat (Host Needed)
Abbeville Abbeville (Host Needed)
Aiken Aiken (Host Needed)
Allendale Allendale (Host Needed)
Anderson Anderson (Host Needed)
Bamberg Bamberg (Host Needed)
Barnwell Barnwell (Host Needed)
Beaufort Beaufort (Host Needed)
Berkeley Moncks Corner (Host Needed)
Calhoun Saint Matthews (Host Needed)
Charleston Charleston (Host Needed)
Cherokee Gaffney (Host Needed)
Chester Chester (Host Needed)
Chesterfield Chesterfield (Host Needed)
Clarendon Manning (Host Needed)
Colleton Walterboro (Host Needed)
Darlington Darlington (Host Needed)
Dillon Dillon (Host Needed)
Dorchester Saint George (Host Needed)
Edgefield Edgefield (Host Needed)
Fairfield Winnsboro (Host Needed)
Florence Florence (Host Needed)
Georgetown Georgetown (Host Needed)
Greenville Greenville (Host Needed)
Greenwood Greenwood (Host Needed)
Hampton Hampton (Host Needed)
Horry Conway (Host Needed)
Jasper Ridgeland (Host Needed)
Kershaw Camden (Host Needed)
Lancaster Lancaster (Host Needed)
Laurens Laurens (Host Needed)
Lee Bishopville (Host Needed)
Lexington Lexington (Host Needed)
Marion Marion (Host Needed)
Marlboro Bennettsville (Host Needed)
McCormick McCormick (Host Needed)
Newberry Newberry (Host Needed)
Oconee Walhalla (Host Needed)
Orangeburg Orangeburg (Host Needed)
Pickens Pickens (Host Needed)
Richland Columbia (Host Needed)
Saluda Saluda (Host Needed)
Spartanburg Spartanburg (Host Needed)
Sumter Sumter (Host Needed)
Union Union (Host Needed)
Williamsburg Kingstree (Host Needed)
York York (Host Needed)

If there are Games or Festivals scheduled in your area, please email me with the information so I can add it to a list.


© The O'Brien Clan Since 1997